One Minute Manager Analysis

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The one minute manager summary

The one minute manager is a brief story about young man who is looking for an excellent manager. He meets and interviews a lot of managers but all of them do not have a perfect managing and leading skills. Once, he meets a one minute manager, who is effective and efficient, autocratic and democratic and greatly described by his employees. Young man asks him to reveal his secrets and share the way of successful manager. One minute manager responses that there are only three secrets and he would be glad to share them.
The secret number one is one minute goal. During one minute meeting set a clearly defined goals and write them on paper using no more than 250 words. It gives you an opportunity to reread it several …show more content…

Even though it looks simple, in my opinion, one minute concept works excellent. As soon as I graduate and get a job I will try to apply those principals in my working day. You do not have to be a manager to use it. Even regular employee can use the “secrets” of reprimands and praising for his or her colleagues.
Office space is a great movie but it shows us that there is no one minute manager concepts. Vice president of the Itech does everything opposite in compering to One minute manager. First, company employees do not have a clear goal, they do not know what to da and what their responsibilities. Second, he plays the role of manager who tries to catch his employees when they are doing something wrong. Third, he reprimands his workers every single time and keeps doing it infinitely. Moreover, it looks like he does not value his employees. He tries to look effective and efficient but fails. As a result, none of the one minute concepts applies in office space movie.
One minute manager is a book every one should read. It is surprisingly strange why this method is not applied everywhere. It is a great way to be effective and efficient and I do not see any disadvantages of it. People can use it not only in workplace but also in their everyday life to build a good relationship with family, friends,

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