On Women's Right To Vote By Susan B Anthony Analysis

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Civil disobedience is the refusal to follow or demand laws or rules. Taking a stand on issues of justice in society may be important or redundant to many individuals. In my case, taking a stand on issues of justice is important. Individuals take a stand on justice so they can change issues, speak for people who can’t speak for themselves, and fight for what they believe in. Individuals stand up to justice to change inequitable laws and issues. According to Susan B. Anthony’s speech “On Women’s Right to Vote”, it states “women are citizens, and no state has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old laws, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities.” Anthony wanted to change an unfair issue. Women could not vote nor was given any freedom of speech. She took a stand against justice and eventually led to the changings of this outrageous law, and providing an example of the importance of taking a stand. …show more content…

One way is to smash the head of the man who perpetrates injustice and to get your own head smashed in the process.” Gandhi said there are two ways to right a wrong, a violent route or a non-violent route. He chose the non-violent route and spoke for the people who could not. In his speech “On Civil Disobedience”, it says “But so long as there is yet life i these our bones, we will never comply with your arbitrary laws”. Gandhi represented the individuals that thought the laws were illogical and unreasonable, and said they would not obey these discriminatory rules. By Gandhi speaking for many other people, proves the importance of taking a stand, even if it is a non-violent

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