On Reverence For Parents

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Obeying your parents every word is not always good, but can be in some cases. Children have to be able to have their own opinion and form their own decisions in life. If not, they may get lost in the world with no true instinct of what the right thing is. If a child is always told what to do then they may perceive it as they will always get the answers handed to them. When you give a child the answers their whole life, they won’t know how to make decisions for themselves. This could cause them to have a hard time getting through real life situations. Many of life’s toughest decisions are made while growing up. If a child makes the wrong decisions for themselves because their parents said it was ok then that could change their whole life. Even though a parent might think they know their child best, only the child actually knows what’s best for themselves.
If a child doesn’t have the ability to form their own beliefs on certain things, then how will that allow them to stand up for things they believe in? If someone told you what to believe in for your entire life then how would you know what you actually do …show more content…

Listening to your parents is about learning respect, obedience, loyalty, and discipline. In the story On Reverence For Parents, it says about what an unmarried girl should do for her parents. This story explains one of their many customs. In the story it says “Girls not yet gone from their home must reverence their parents”, meaning that girls who are unmarried must show respect and care for their parents. The story give instructions on what to do when their parents are health, sick, dying, or dead. It gives them guidelines and rules to take care of their parents. At the end of the story it states that “Thus you should honor your ancestors”. By this quote they mean even long after your family members have passed on you should still always respect and honor

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