Omar Bradley Research Paper

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Kourtney Trader History 9, Per. 7 Mr. Murray June 1, 2016 Omar Bradley Although World War Two has started in 1939, Also The United States did not enter the conflict until 1941. The war also had lasted until 1941. There were two main groups in World War Two, One was the Axis powers, and the second one was the Allies. The big Allied powers consisted of France, Russia, United States, and Britain, and when they heard that Germany decide to invaded poland, Great Britain, and France that all declared war on Germany. And The Axis powers consisted of These main groups Germany, Italy, and Japan. A general of the United States Army Omar Nelson Bradley, was a very successful and elder officer from the United States Army during and at the …show more content…

Bradley also had commanded the Twelfth Army Group while he was in World War II, and it helped the Allied victory alot. He carried this force in a fast movement throughout northern France and across Belgium to the German frontier. Bradley's forces were hit, around in middle December. His reinforced force during February moved the Germans around the Roer again and caused a seizure of a bridge across the Rhine in beginning March. In April Omar Bradley's Army Group, now containing of the 1st, 3rd, 9th, also 15th armies, led a huge drive through central Germany to the Elbe, to meet up with the Russians at Torgau. Montgomery’s arguments and George Marshall and Henry Arnolds keenness, to use the First Allied Airborne Army, caused Operation Market-Garden. The debate had simply led to a horrible rift with the two Army group commanders who are the European Theater of Operations. Bradley protested to Eisenhower the important part of supplies was given to Montgomery, he kept Bradley’s protests in great shape. Bradley’s Army Group soon covered a very wide front in hilly country, that had hard parts in bringing to trial a great broad-front offensive in a hard country with a smart enemy that was recovering his

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