Old Major Monologue Animal Farm

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It was in the middle of summer when Old Major called us into the barn. I sat beside Clover ; my mother figure. Old Major cleared his throat ,and began “ Comrades, you have heard already about the strange dream that I had last night. But I will come to the dream later. I have something else to say first. I do not think,comrades, that I shall be with you for many months longer,and before I die , I feel it my duty to pass on to you such wisdom as I have acquired...Old major carried on about how he needed to retire , after he finished his speech we all started to sing “Beast of England” ,and woke up Mr.Jones; he went out and started shooting,to shut the animals up,and accidently hit Old Major. A couple months later Old major died peacefully in his sleep. Now, everytime I go into the barn I touch Old Major's skull to help with the remembrance of Old Major ,and his wonderful wisdom. …show more content…

Mr. Jones,his men,and a dozen from Foxwood and Pinchfield went into the five-barred gate ,riding a cart up to the farm. Me and my brothers were watching them,and trying to learn how to keep up with the fields. Later that day we heard loud noises,and it was men who were coming to start a war with us. They brought guns,and Mr.Jones had a gun also,and started shooting. After the war we called it the battle of cowshed. One Day we were working on the Windmill,and we heard bangs of sounds,and started to see people coming. When we left and went back to the barn I heard more loud bangs. The next day we went to the windmill ,and it was blowed up. We thought it was Snowball ,and we went to find him ,and we found out it wasn’t him. So ,we started another battle ,and we called it the battle of the windmill. So, what happened was we had a battle because we couldn’t find out who it was ,and we still blamed

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