Og Mandino Critical Lens

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In the course of history, every human being has made mistakes. Whether the mistakes are life-changing or minimal, everyone makes them. And I agree with the philosophy of John Wooden that,”mistakes must be made in order for one to succeed”. In my experiences as a scholar, mistakes are an essential part in successfully completing a difficult task, as you will grow stronger after learning from them. There are also various examples in history where mistakes were necessary for eventual success. In the following essay, I hope I can thoroughly explain to you why I agree to John Wooden over Og Mandino. During my elementary school experience at Old Donation Center, I faced many challenges, whether they were academic, social, or emotional. In the …show more content…

As encouraging as it may sound, I do not agree with this quote. If one does not know how to complete a task, no matter how encouraged they may be, they will not be able to complete it. Determination is a very powerful thing, but it can not create intelligence in a person. Therefore, I believe Mandino’s quote to be false. In comparison to Wooden’s quote, Mandino’s quote is built more on inspiring people, while Wooden’s quote is stating that there is nothing wrong with making mistakes, as you must make mistakes to continue onwards. This quote rings true, as making mistakes can teach you new things, and can allow you to take new perspectives on the solution. While sole determination can not help you complete a task, making mistakes …show more content…

It is in human nature to make mistakes, and even the most successful people in history make mistakes. Thomas Edison, creator of hundreds of patents in his lifetime, made tens of thousands of mistakes in his lifetime, and is still considered by many as one of the greatest inventors of all time. One of Edison’s key philosophies was that if you were not making mistakes, you were not learning or doing anything. This is the same philosophy expressed in Wooden’s quote, and the same philosophy, that millions of people live by. In warfare, every great commander has made a mistake in their battle strategies, and many pay dearly for it. Coaches of professional sports teams make mistakes every day when deciding who to place on the starting lineup, and who to place on the bench. No matter how successful a person is, they will still make mistakes, whatever the circumstances may

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