Odyssey Telemachus Character Analysis

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Athena as a Hero
In The Odyssey by Homer, Athena proves to be the most important hero in the evens that occur. In this epic, Telemachus, a naïve boy goes on a journey to find part of his identity, his father Odysseus. Before Telemachus was brave enough to embark on this adventure, he needed Athena, the grey eyed goddess’ help. Athena performs many tasks that earn her the title of a hero. Without her, Telemachus would not have been able to find Odysseus. Because Athena is the main factor in getting Telemachus to find his father, she is the true hero in The Odyssey. The reader might think that Telemachus is the main hero in The Odyssey, however this is not the case. Contrary to popular beliefs it is Athena that strongly influences other characters …show more content…

When Odysseus finally returns, he and Telemachus, with the help of Athena, construct a plan to murder the suitors. In order to succeed, Odysseus must keep his identity a secret. To do so, “Athena disguises Odysseus as a beggar and directs him to the hut of Eumaeus, his old and faithful swineherd.” (Homer 717). Athena’s ability to disguise Odysseus from being seen results in a victory for him and Telemachus against the suitors, and in turn represents how she is a hero. Finally, after twenty years, Odysseus returns home. Because he has been gone so long, Telemachus doubts if Odysseus is really his father. Telemachus questions his change in appearance, and Odysseus replies with “ As for my change of skin that is a charm Athena’s, Hope of Soldiers uses as she will, she has the knack to make me seem as a beggar man sometimes and sometimes young, with finer clothes about me”( Homer 719). Odysseus’ response portrays how Athena is able to change Odysseus into any form that is needed, making there revenge much easier, and giving her a vital part of the …show more content…

In an effort to get Zeus to return Odysseus, Athena says “ So perish all who do what he had done, but my own heart is broken for Odysseus, the master mind of war, so long a castaway upon an island in the running sea”( Homer 3). Her care for Odysseus illustrates how she wants him to be safe, and help him to get home. This role is identical to that of a hero. Athena portrays her feeling toward the situation at hand by stating “ Well, I will forecast to you , as the gods put the strong feeling in me. I see it all, and I'm no prophet, no adept in bird signs. He will not now, be long away from Ithaca his fathers dear land; though he be in chains he'll scheme a way to come , he can do anything” (Homer 7). Athena’s faith in Odysseus to get home portrays how she believes in his return. This leads the reader to believe that she will do whatever she can to save him, and proves how heroic she

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