Odysseus's Pride In The Odyssey

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In Homer’s epic poem titled The Odyssey Odysseus’s weakness contributes to the trouble, he gets into during the first stages of his journey because of his pride. Throughout the poem, we see that Odysseus pride gets him into a lot of trouble. In book 9, Odysseus and his men began to escape the island without Polyphemus being aware they had left his cave. Odysseus pride overcame him and Odysseus began to taunt Polyphemus even after his crew admonishes him for it. Odysseus said what his real name was instead of the made up name, “Nobody”which was the name that Odysseus had made up to trick Polyphemus when he first asked for his name. Polyphemus, once learning his real name, prayed to his father Poseidon, the sea-god, ranting that Odysseus should

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