The Importance Of Pride In Oedipus The King

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Pride comes before the fall because it is pride that blinds people to the truth of who they are. The flaws of Oedipus are chronicled in Sophocles play Oedipus the King, written in 430 B.C. It starts out with Oedipus solving the riddle of the sphinx, making him king of Thebes. Since he solved this mystery he is called on once again to solve their problems. He discovers that the solution is to find and banish the murder of Laius. It’s eventually found that Oedipus was the murder. It was his pride caused the killing and then denying the thought that he could have done it while he attempted to find the killer. Sophocles is showing his readers that excessive pride can lead a tragic hero or the regular man to his downfall. Pride puts people in bad
Oedipus is blind to the fact that he could be the murder because he is “Oedipus whose name is greatest known and greatest feared”(8) and knows he could never be the murder. People are blinded by pride so they don’t look for the truth because they believe that they know the answers and won’t admit when they don’t. Oedipus doesn’t want to know the truth that he is the murder otherwise he can’t “turn away if [he] know[s] the truth”(342). this is like people who don’t want to know the truth because they know it would hurt. Such as, some people don’t want to know that their girlfriend is cheating on them. Their ignorance is a result of their pride. It blinds them from seeing the possibilities of the truth. When Jocasta discovers the truth that was hiding from her she thinks “the crime was [Oedipus 's] alone”(367). She is in denial because she doesn’t want to believe the truth. It was Jocasta’s pride that caused her to be closed to the truth resulting in her ultimate
According to this fact, one can then become a hero through a humbling experience releasing one 's excessive pride. When he is humbled and realizes “Apollo was right, and [the priest] were right”(139). Oedipus is having a cathartic moment making him humble. If pride is a sense of who we are in relation to God and others, humility is having a realistic sense of who we are before God and others. If people are rich then they try to give back like donating to charity, or in Oedipus case, having Creon take “[his daughters] from [him]” (1546). This action displays humility which brings people down to earth and it lets them know that they are before others. Since people, like Oedipus, have excessive pride they think that they are always right and don’t make mistakes. Humility is to understand that you aren’t always right which leads to creating a better person. If somebody is too prideful like Oedipus then they think that they are right so they talk of banishment in front of the whole city. Leading to people wanting to “exile [the murderer]”(1543). Pride is one of the seven deadliest sins because it’s so enticing and makes people feel a sense of power and accomplishment. This can easily lead to one 's downfall, which is why humility is used to balance it

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