Odysseus Lack Of Knowledge In Homer's Odyssey

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“Knowledge comes from learning. Experience comes from living. A life without problems is like a school without lessons. Keep walking with a positive mind” (Unknown). This author is trying to tell the readers that if you keep a positive mindset and continue on with your journey, it will be successful. Journeys are suppose to be long and hard but the knowledge you gain helps a person grow spiritually and physically as a person or hero. The Odyssey, by Homer is about Odysseus’s long and difficult journey home to Ithaca. During this journey Odysseus searches for his identity, while the gods make his journey more interesting. Along his way home to Ithaca, he uncovers many secrets and takes on many challenging tasks. During these tasks Odysseus shows …show more content…

However, all epic heroes make mistakes at some points. An epic hero learns from their mistakes and makes sure to remain this powerful leader. During the “Cyclops” section, Odysseus reveals his identity to the Cyclops. At first, Odysseus tells the Cyclops that his name is Nohbody, although he then uses a homeric epithet to describe who he is and ruins his original plan. “Laertes’ son, whose home’s on Ithaca” (Homer, “The Cyclops”, l 460). Odysseus says this to try and brag to the Cyclops by telling him that he’s this big important person. After Odysseus accidently told the Cyclops who he is, the Cyclops told Zeus to forever curse Odysseus. The Cyclops prays to Zeus and hopes that Odysseus does not reach home. If he happens to reach home the Cyclops tells Zeus to make sure that his journey is long and hard, as all of his men will die and Odysseus will have to watch and suffer. The Cyclops also says that when Odysseus reaches home he hopes that his days will be hard and bitter. Odysseus grows from this mistake when he purposely did not tell his wife and friends back at Ithaca that he is home until he figures out who he could really trust. In the description of “The Suitors” the text states “Still disguised as a beggar, Odysseus enters his home.” (Fitzgerald, “The Suitors”, l. 1001). Due to Odysseus by accidentally telling the Cyclops information, he now makes sure that he does not tell anyone information …show more content…

Odysseus has many temptations such as eating the Lotus, giving in to the Siren’s songs, and telling his men about the prophecy. Each of these temptations help to develop Odysseus to become an epic hero. Odysseus also makes many mistakes such as revealing his identity to the Cyclops, not revealing the meaning of the bag of winds to his men, and not having control of men on the Land of Cicones. Odysseus grows from this temptation by not revealing himself when returning home in part two, telling his men to not eat the cattle, and telling the men to not eat the Lotus and gaining control of them. These temptations help Odysseus to figure out how he is this epic hero, as it is apart of his search for his identity. Odysseus has gained a lot of knowledge from this journey. He becomes an epic hero and a great leader from his temptations and mistakes. The temptations and mistakes also helps Odysseus to gain knowledge. “Keep Ithaka always in your mind./ Arriving there is what you’re destined for./But don’t hurry the journey at all./Better if it goes on for years,/so you’re old by the time you reach the island,/wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way,/not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.” (Cavafy, “Ithaka”, l.

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