Objectification Of Women Essay

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Good afternoon everyone. First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Evie Thomas and I have been a victim of advertisement. Now, you must wonder she means by being a victim of advertisement, I mean, what could possibly be wrong with advertisement. To be honest, a lot of things really. Since the advent of advertising in printed media women have been featured and targeted. Women’s body images are exposed, exploited and are used as commodities to enrich a society built on advertisement and entertainment. This causes there to be many problems within the society itself such as eating disorders and the misuse of women’s bodies are caused to us through media sources. The media portray misleading images and as a result, we, women ourselves …show more content…

Sexual objectification is a major problem, however, it is only one tiny part of the objectification of women that exists in our world from the moment that we are born.

Men and women are presented in the media in very different ways, the focus for women is often lied upon the body parts, they are heavily photo shopped, which they present as the ideal female beauty. This grabs my attention everyday and tells me that something is wrong. When looking at sexual male pictures, we notice that they are demonstrated as sexual subjects or men exercising their sexuality rather than sexual objects meant to serve as someone’s sex object.

In our society, subject and object status is very much gendered, with men given subject status most of the time, whereas women are severely objectified. This is already printed into our heads at a very young age. In children’s books male characters outnumber female ones by far, and even when characters such as animals are neutral, they are usually still referred to as a ‘ he ‘. This pattern continues in children’s TV shows such as ‘ The Smurfette Principle ‘ where there is only one female character in an entire male

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