Nwoye And His Father In Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe

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It is the early 1900’s. Your father despises you because you do not like to work like he does, you would rather do jobs your mother would do. Due to your father having a strong disliking for you, you do not like him so much either. You are tired of him always yelling and, every once in a while, beating you. One day these weird white people show up in your town, and immediately you are intrigued. “What are they doing here?” you ask yourself. Maybe, just maybe, you can be like them. This was what happened with a young boy named Nwoye. His father, Okonkwo, did not like his work ethic or almost anything else, to be exact. Those white people are the westerners coming to colonize Africa. Due to the introduction of these people, Nwoye has gone from a shy young boy to a confident and outgoing man. Throughout the novel, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Nwoye grows and learns much about himself, and eventually has enough courage to stand up to his father. As a young boy, Nwoye never worked too hard with his father. He had always preferred more feminine thing. Earlier in the novel Okonkwo would tell Nwoye stories of violence and bloodshed, though “Nwoye knew somehow he still preferred the stories that his mother used to tell, and which she no doubt still told her younger children” (Achebe 58). Nwoye was never like the …show more content…

He learned how to stick up to his father, with the help of missionaries. Nwoye finally got to do things his own way, he began to see himself as an independent person, and he was able to act like himself instead of the person his father wanted him to be. Nwoye’s change has shaped the meaning of this novel as a whole by proving that not everyone is the same, not everyone is going to follow the same rules or traditions, there will always be those people who are different, and Nwoye happened to be one of

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