Nutritional Analysis Meal Plan

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Nutritional Analysis:

Calories: Based off the target of 2000 calories a day, the average caloric intake over the two week period for the constructed meal plan was 1,852 calories. While this does not meet the target, it is not categorized as being significantly deficient according to the USDA super tracker program. To further get towards the recommended caloric intake, foods that are calorie dense should be incorporated. Furthermore, I do not view this section of my meal plan as unsuccessful and would strive to leave this aspect of the meal plan relatively constant in the future.

Added Sugars: Perhaps the strongest feature of my meal plan is the lack of added sugars for the two week period. Averaging about nine grams total, I credit the lack …show more content…

Part of this is attributed to the limited amount of money and the parameters of the project itself. Like added sugars, I would overall characterize this aspect of the diet as a success, but realistically would anticipate slightly higher values.

Fiber: My meal plan was able to include 27 grams of fiber on average over two weeks. On paper this appears as a success and super track reassures me of this with a status of ok. However, the main reason for the dietary fiber being two grams over the target is undeniably attributed to the two pounds of green lentils acquired from the food pantry. Without the lentils, I would estimate that the average fiber intake would be closer to 20 grams.

Sodium: Sodium intake tends to spike in most American diets, but I was able to keep the average at 2041 milligrams. While one should strive to keep sodium intake even lower than this, I’m content with these results. Part of this success is attributed to most of my food (pasta, potatoes, etc.) not using salt to cook or season. While this would probably make for a bland two weeks of diner and lunch, it was vital in maintaining sodium intake. That being said, my diet was not without its outliers, with the worst day having a sodium intake of 4204

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