Nursing Concept Analysis Paper

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Concept Analysis: Expanding Consciousness Concept analysis is fundamental to nursing theory and nursing practice. Words carry random ideas until used in the context of a thought and meaning is given to the word. The meaning of a word is best identified through concept analysis and the attributes or themes associated with the concept. According to McNeill (2013), time can change the word meaning as well as experiences; both lived or learned. This paper will evaluate the concept of health expanding consciousness and its meaning as defined by Margaret Newman’s theory. The theory of health as expanding consciousness was completed in 1994 by Margaret Newman. Her theory stems from Martha Roger’s theory of unitary human beings. According to Bateman …show more content…

Through consciousness, old and new experiences and information are integrated to form a new state of mind and wellbeing. Not all experiences of consciousness are pleasant. Some experiences may impact optimal states of health where a patient may regress or cope with unhealthy mannerisms. Consciousness as defined by Merriam-Webster as, “the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself; the state or fact of being conscious of an external object, state or fact” (n.d.). Consciousness described by Endo (2017), “{…} is the informational capacity of the whole and is revealed in the evolving patterns” (p. …show more content…

Some attributes include identification of typical and atypical patient situations or patterns, the ability to frame facts of health situations and health on the continuum of health and illness. Nurses expansion of health consciousness is necessary to facilitate the patient’s expansion of health consciousness. According to Bateman & Merryfeather (2014), the nurse and the patient achieve mutual self-actualization as the focus of health on expanding consciousness occurs, thus allowing patients to express themselves safely and make connections with the internal and external environment. The goal is to guide clients into a pattern of evolution through pattern recognition. As the patient moves through transformation the nurse must be willing to accept a period of chaos and imbalance as the patient forms those connections in order to expand consciousness. The nurse assists the patient as they reach self-awareness and self-reliance. The journey for the patient may continue past that mutual relationship with the nurse as the patient continues to grow given new insights on health. There is no particular environment this should occur in; it is the nurse’s presence, therapeutic and safe environment and positive

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