Nt1330 Unit 1 Assignment

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In the beginning of the course, we discussed “NGD”. The two areas of “NGD” that we focused on were number and geometry. Number is discrete, finite, time, or sound. Geometry is continuous, infinite, space, or vision. Bronowski mentioned how “it’s said that science will dehumanize people and turn them into numbers” (374). This tragically became true during the Holocaust where people were no longer considered human beings, but rather numbers. We discussed various mathematical topics concerning numbers like the well-ordering pair. In the well-ordering pair, ever subset has a least member. There are also figurative numbers, squared numbers, and even Pythagorean triples. In an earlier section of The Ascent of Man titled “The Music of the Spheres” Bronowski taught us more about numbers and their origin in the section that states: …show more content…

From that fundamental step, many cultures have built their own number systems, usually as a written language with similar conventions. The Babylonians, the Mayans, and the people of India, for example, indented essentially the same way of writing large numbers as a sequence of digits that we use, although they lived far apart in space and time (155). This means that although the specific numbers systems may vary from culture to culture, the basic concept that one thing plus another thing means you have two things is seemingly

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