Nonbelievers Persuasive Essay

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Are Christians not allowed to hang out with people who do not believe in God? God tells Christians we need to be leaders and to be disciples to all nations (Matthew 28:19). God tells us to be fishers of men. This means we cannot disregard anyone including the nonbelievers in this world. God uses anyone in our life to help us learn a lesson and learn new things. This means even unbelievers, not just believers. If Christians just hung out with Christians no one else would get saved. The nonbelievers would not be reached and God wants us to bring nonbelievers to Him. So Christians should hang out and talk to nonbelievers to help the Kingdom of God grow and be in all nations (Matthew 28:19). And being friends with non-believers, we are able to pray for them and actually get to know them and help them (James …show more content…

(Acts 26:18)(2 Timothy 2:24-26) Is man able to live a life without God? I believe that man cannot live without God. God created us and without Him creating us we would not be living. He also created us in the image of Him and without a God who are we designed after? Also, just because someone does not believe in God does not mean He is not there (Proverbs 15:3). God will always be there even when you do not know it, you can decide whether to believe in Him or not (Jeremiah 23:23-24). (Genesis 1:27) How did God create man? God has made every man and we are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). God created man by speaking Adam into existence. When speaking Adam into existence God told Adam and the rest of the human race to multiply, to subdue the earth, and to have dominion over everything (Genesis 1:28). Eve was created from Adam’s own rib and so she was created in God’s likeness as well (Genesis 2:22). Every human is created in the likeness of God. (Genesis 2:7. Can man escape always being with God? Man can never escape from God seeing us

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