Non Profit Marketing

1024 Words3 Pages

$316.23 Billion
This is the amount of money that was donated to charitable causes in the United States in 2012.
27% is by which the number of non-profit organizations grew from 1995-2005, and this number continues to rise today.
170,000 is the estimated number of non-profits and charities in Canada, the second largest in the world.
With these enormous numbers, it is important to know how to market a non-profit effectively in order to stand out among the hundreds of thousands and bring money in to support your cause. Today I will share with you some basic steps on how to choose who to market to, what marketing tools to use, and how to measure your success.

The first step of marketing a non-profit is to define your target market. Knowing who to target your efforts towards, and who would be most likely to donate to your non-profit will help you avoid wasted time and money on other segments of the market. “everybody” is not an audience, you need to target your efforts towards groupings of people who have a common necessity that you think your organization can satisfy. Defining your target market can be the most difficult step of the process but if you break it down into things like gender, age, area, income etc. and then ask the questions “what do these people need?” and “why would they care about us?” it can be easier to come up with a target market. It is normal to have more than one grouping of people that you target but once you start trying to reach almost everyone your efforts are going to become less effective as you spread them too thin. Researching organizations that are similar to yours to see their target markets, and what kinds of marketing strategies they are using is a great way for a non-profit in the beginning stage...

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...u are passionate about, then you have already completed half of the battle. More than 100,000 non-profit organizations will fail within the next two years, but the ones that don’t, and the ones that keep on trying have the opportunity to change the world for the better.

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