Noise Pollution

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Around the world, there are six major types of pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, solid waste, radioactive and nuclear energy, and lastly noise pollution. Noise pollution, or environmental noise, is displeasing sound created by humans, animals, or machines, that disrupts the activity or balance of domestic and animal life. The most common source of the pollution is brought on worldwide by transportation systems that include motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise and rail noise. Other sources that cause the pollution, both indoor and outdoor, are: car alarms, emergency service sirens, office equipment factory, barking dogs, appliances, fireworks, compressed air horns, construction work, grounds keeping equipment, audio entertainment systems, and even noisy people. Like the other forms of energy pollution, such as heat and light pollution, noise pollution contaminants are not physical, but instead are waves that interfere with natural-occurring waves of a similar stature. Sounds that are not natural, or cause a disturbance of any natural process or causes human harm, even if it does not occur on a regular basis, the noise is to be considered noise pollution. Although most of the noise pollution is caused in urban areas like big cities, rural areas are not immune to noise pollution. Train and airplane noise can disrupt the wildlife habits, therefore, affecting the natural manner in which the animals, in areas around train tracks and airports, hunt, mate and live. Noise pollution harms humans and animals by causing hearing loss, hearing problems, heart disease (as a result of stress), sleep disruption, and in severe cases even mental instability. Noise pollution, although rarely spoke of, causes, and will continue to cause...

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...e in blood pressure, a change in heart rate, a rise in blood cholesterol, or an excessive secretion of hormones. These stress reactions can cause actual damage to the circulatory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems or, any other vulnerable bodily system. Even though the direct physical consequence of listening to loud sounds, especially over a period of time, can be hearing loss, sounds or, rather noises at lower volumes can have an indirect impact on our physiological and psychological systems. It is not only the ear that can be hurt by noise but to our over all health. No person can concentrate on a work project of there is constant drilling at a nearby construction site. It is impossible to enjoy a television program when overhead jets constantly drown out the sound. It is hard to fall asleep if your upstairs neighbor’s stereo system is blasting away.

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