No Oyes Ladrar A Los Perros Summary

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The short story No Oyes Ladrar a Los Perros emphasizes the importance of family. The protagonist in the story is Ignacio. He got mixed in the wrong crowd after his mother died and became a thief and a murderer. One night, he is robbing someone's house and in self-defense, the person stabs Ignacio, which causes a fatal injury. His dad then finds him, carries him on his shoulders, and carries him into the city in an attempt to find a doctor. On their way there, his dad asks him ¿Lloras, Ignacio? Lo hace llorar a usted el recuerdo de su madre, ¿verdad? Pero nunca hizo usted nada por ella. Nos pagó siempre mal. Parece que en lugar de cariño, le hubiéramos retacado el cuerpo de maldad. ¿Y ya ve? Ahora lo han herido. ¿Qué pasó con sus amigos? Los

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