Nike Inhumane Working Conditions Essay

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Inhumane Working Conditions in Nike Factories When a customer purchases Nike equipment they are supporting child labor, long work hours, forced overtime, and abusive work environments (Russell). Millions of people know about Nike because it is the largest supplier and manufacturer of sports apparel, but not many people think about how Nike employees are being treated in factories (Sanders, Kaptur). The inhumane working conditions that workers face in Nike can be analyzed through its background/history, the current issue, and the solution. To begin, Nike’s inhumane working conditions can be analyzed through its history. It all started back in the 1970s when they first moved their factories from Oregon to countries like Vietnam, China, South Korea, Indonesia, and Taiwan because these countries have access to cheap labor (Wilsey, Lichtig). According to Matt Wilsey and Scott Lichtig,“These corporations could now reap the benefit of the United States consumer market, while keeping their costs extremely low in offshore …show more content…

In factories workers encounter abusive supervisors, low wages, health hazards, child labor, and forced overtime (Wilsey, Lichtig). Factory conditions can be hazardous to health because workers come into contact with dangerous chemicals. According to Sanders and Kaptur “In Vietnam, young women toil sixty-five hour work weeks for $10, in air so bad that 78% of the employees have respiratory problems.” Along with the chemicals and respiratory problems, abuse from supervisors can also be damaging to their health. In Vietnam factories several women were forced by their abusive supervisors to run laps until they fainted (Saporito, Larimer, McCarthy). Nike workers also have to deal with low wages, and in fact, “aA worker of Nike receives $2.28 a day”(Dumbrava). This daily income only covers 78% of the basic needs for one person

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