Nightfears Short Story

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Nightfears It could not possibly have been real? Could it? I remembered it all so vividly. Every moment of it. As if it actually happened, as if I had not been just a dream. I looked at the clock. 3.47 am. It was only a few hours since I had gone to bed. Turing the lights on, I took on my slippers and went to the window. It was a quiet night, almost too quiet. The streets were empty and the stars were shining lonely up in the dark sky. Beautiful, it was all so beautiful. So much had happened that night. Or maybe so much had not happened? It all started earlier that night. I was laying in bed reading a book as per usual. The book I was reading “The ocean at the end of the lane by Neil Gaiman” was a new one. I had ordered it online some weeks …show more content…

It was the radio that I had not turned on. I turned it off. The radio was still playing the Christmas song. Suddenly everything got quiet again. It could not have been more than a minute before I heard a voice. It was little girl’s voice, and she was laughing. The laughter was coming from the stairs. Picking up a bat, I slowly moved towards the stairs. I looked up at the door to my bedroom. It was open. Without even realizing what I was doing, I dragged my feet up the stairs and in to the bedroom. Closer and closer to the sound. When I walked in to the rom, the door was shut closed behind me. I was just standing there, hypnotised by this little girl’s laughter, until I finally came to my senses and ran toward the door. The door would not open. I tried over and over, but it never opened. Feeling hopeless, I sunk to the floor. The laughter became louder every second that went by, before it was all surrounding, like it was everything I had ever known. That was the last thing I remembered. The next thing I knew was that I was laying in bed. No creepy shadows, no bat in my bedroom and no laughter. The radio I remembered was ruined. It had not actually been working for over a half

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