Nightcrawler Morality

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German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, once said: “Compassion is the basis of morality”. Morals are subjective and interpretations, and vary everywhere you go. The world’s morals are dictated on how the majority of people feel on a subject. Morals are rooted in compassion, but the idea of compassion is also subjective. Morality is what is thought to be right, not wrong. So the question is, what separates right from wrong? Nightcrawler, directed by Dan Gilroy, is a movie about a thief named Louis Bloom who joins the business of being a Stringer, or a freelance reporter. Bloom goes around LA with his camcorder and police scanner listening in to active crime, and shows up to record footage for profit. Bloom can make a lot of money off of the …show more content…

For starters, Bloom consistently breaks into and tampers crime scenes to get a better view or make the video more powerful. He dragged a mutilated body across a road in order to get the best shot. He also broke into homes of the crime scene in order to record the victims or the setting itself. This is wrong due to the fact he uses the victims as objects in the video, and does not treat them as a person. He also breaks the law by entering someone’s home without invitation. The second example is how Bloom set up and made a crime worse. Bloom got to a home break-in before anyone, and got footage of the dead victims and infiltrators. Instead of handing over the details on the infiltrators, he went to their address and stalked them until the murderers were out in public. He then proceeded to call 911. Cops arrived on the scene, but the murderers proceeded to kill some of the policemen and engage in a high-speed chase. It ended in more deaths and a lot of footage. Bloom went as far as letting his co-worker die in order to get the perfect shot. This is truly appalling because Bloom set up what could of been a easy home arrest into a massive shooting and chase. He did it so that he could have controversial footage and make profit. Bloom consistently put profit as a higher priority than human life in

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