Elie Wiesel Rhetorical Analysis

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Elie Weisel once said this: “I know and I speak from experience, that even in the midst of darkness, it is possible to create light and share warmth with one another; that even on the edge of the abyss, it is possible to dream exalted dreams of compassion; that it is possible to be free and strengthen the ideals of freedom, even within prison walls; that even in exile, friendship becomes an anchor.” Compassion is not something that is easy to understand, or even easy to show sometimes. The Holocaust was a difficult time to comprehend: how could one man have so much power and hate towards a society of people that he started a genocide? There may never be the right emotional explanation to describe the disturbing events that happened during the Holocaust, but Elie Weisel was able to share his. His message was that compassion and friendship can refrain someone from sinking so deep into a dark sea like the Holocaust.

First, Elie Weisel is talking about compassion because not many people have shown him compassion. During the Holocaust, Elie was treated with the same respect as thousands of other Jewish people. Elie was shown no amount of compassion or respect for a few years of his life. Clearly, since Elie said that he would never be visiting the abandoned …show more content…

In our world, I see many people that lack the ability to show compassion. They can be so selfish when they should be more selfless. Even I admit it, I am selfish sometimes and don't help others when they may need it. For this reason, I believe that compassion should be a human right. Many people will see a person or an animal in distress and think, “I don't need to help them; some other generous person will.” But in most cases, nobody ends up helping the distressed person or animal because every person thinks “it’s not their job to help” or “somebody else will do it.” I believe a right of compassion will make it human nature to help others without second

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