Examples Of Ambition In Nightcrawler

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The adrenaline, which surfaces within a nightcrawler, creates questionable integrity when looking for the perfect and best-selling stories. Dan Gilroy’s film Nightcrawler, demonstrates the sacrifices made by Lou Bloom, the main character, to feed his ambition. The film portrays modern day media coverage by demonstrating how ambition can make any nightcrawler unwise when obtaining stories. In which the video means more than the story. According to a conversation between Nina Romina, Channel 6 news director, and Lou Bloom, Nina says, “Well, graphic. The best and clearest way that I can phrase it to you, Lou, to capture the spirit of what we air, is think of our newscast as a screaming woman running down the street with her throat cut.” This is an important quote …show more content…

But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late.” Murrow establishes pathos when he uses words such as “distract”, “delude”, and “insult” to evoke strong emotion, giving the public a wake-up call. To use such words, Murrow expresses the main focus of the true intentions of the radio and television in hopes of making the audience realize the world in which they live in today. Even though the story is the targeted focus of journalists, for others the images are the cherry on top. Today’s world has come to a point where everyone stops to see what happened within a car accident, to see the victims, to witness someone else’s tragedy. This is portrayed within the film Nightcrawler. The director shows behind the scenes of how news is directed and overall created. However, it is also demonstrated how fame and recognition plays a major role. Within the film, Lou Bloom videotapes a man bleeding to death after a carjacking, a home invasion with a triple homicide, and

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