Nicholas Kristof's Would You Hide A Jew From A Holocaust

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Nicholas Kristof continues using sentimental appeal to draw the audience emotion out. He wants the audience to understand the desperate and fear of the refugee lose their life. In a way, Kristof using the audience emotion as his own personal gain to his column. By using sentimental appeal, he brings the audience to do something that may help the refugee even if it small or to protest about it. Kristof said, “It was the Nazis who committed genocide, but the U.S. and other countries also bear moral responsibility for refusing to help desperate people.” Kristof is basically saying what make us any different than the people who slaughter thousands of Jewish if we won’t do anything to stop the killing. Are we really going to sit back and let history repeat itself? If we have the power why aren’t we doing something useful, we can save the refugees. Are we …show more content…

He uses logical appeal to compare the Jewish refugee crisis to today’s refugee crisis. While using this, he compares the action of today’s world leaders and the past world leaders. Maybe, the world leaders would think twice before making their final decisions. Would they make the same mistakes as the past world leaders or would they make a better outcome for the future? The uses of sentimental appeal help a huge deal in this column especially the images. He brings attention to the refugee crisis. The images make the audiences realize the refugee pain and fearful faces as they run for lives in fear of their own death. It makes the audience want to pour out their heart and reach a hand out to help the refugee. Kristof aim was to get the audience involve in the crisis and to help influence the leaders’ decisions to do something. He did amazedly on juxtaposed historical allusion to the today Syrian refugee crisis. Kristof column has achieved and influence the world leaders and the

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