Critical Criticism In Hamlet

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New Criticism: Ophelia and Male Domination William Shakespeare, Hamlet is a revenge tragedy that focus on Hamlet’s desire and pain for his father’s death. One of the many desires Hamlet strives to achieve in the play is Ophelia. Ophelia is a structural character that several critics would discredit as a focal part of the play. Elaine Showalter proclaims that Shakespeare gives very little information from which to imagine a past for Ophelia. She appears in only five of the play’s twenty scenes; (Showalter 221). Although, Ophelia has very few appearances in the play, her tragic ending still captures the audience attention. As a reader I can imply that Ophelia’s tragedy began before her death because of a patriarchic society-a system in which
Laertes approaches Ophelia before his departure to Paris, where he warns Ophelia of Hamlet characteristics “the virtue of his will: but you must fear, his greatness weight’d, his will is not his own; (1: 3. 6-7). Laertes feels the virtue of Hamlet will; runs through higher standards. A will describes a position or items left to a person from someone of death. Hamlet’s father died as the King of Denmark, leaving his thrown to Hamlet. However, Hamlet position was taken by his Uncle, therefore, forces him to seek revenge. The heart of Denmark falls on Hamlet and becomes a prison to him until commodities are fulfilled. Laertes tries to emphasize fear to Ophelia hoping his attempts are solidified in her mind. Ophelia fails to acknowledge Hamlet’s desires are not his own, for he is subject to his birth. In other words Laertes acknowledges his sister’s love for Hamlet but feel the need to protect her well-being. Laertes knows Hamlet’s main concern is Denmark and he is not serious about their affairs. “For he might subject to his birth: he may not, as unvalued persons do, carve for himself; for on his choice depends; the safety and health of this whole state; (1:3. 18-21). The text
She replies to Polonius in a vague tone saying “I don’t know, my Lord, what should I think?” (1.3 104). As a critic I can imply that Ophelia is a non-thinker in Polonius eyes. She is incapable of making the right choices in her life which can destroy the family’s reputation. As the play progress Shakespeare shows the irony of Hamlet, Ophelia, and Polonius relationship. Although, Polonius forcefully disapprove of the relationship between Ophelia and Hamlet, he devises a plan in his own selfishness. Polonius manipulates Ophelia in order to investigate Hamlet’s revenge to the King. Therefore, Ophelia becomes another tool for his personal gain in favor with the King and Queen. So Polonius uses his patricidal power over his gentle daughter to gain

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