Netflix Documentary

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The Netflix Original documentary series, Rotten, highlights the health, economic, and social issues that surround food and animals, and showcases the understanding of that particular issue and its solution using science. The specific issue that will be discussed here along with its impact is related to food allergies. According to the documentary, food allergies have become considerably common in the last decade. They have a major impact on people, and it is extremely severe to the point where an individual may die. Food allergies have also revolutionized the way restaurants operate, and how chefs cook, because not doing so could result in the deaths of many people, especially children. In the episode, “The Peanut Problem”, researchers and …show more content…

At first, it showed an interview with a teenager, who had a near death experience when she ate from a Indian restaurant with her friends. According to her, she’d told the employee behind the counter that there shouldn't be any peanuts in her meal, because she’s allergic to peanuts. The guy had informed her that she’ll be fine. However, after just having some of the sauce from the curry, her lips began to swell and she had trouble breathing. After being admitted to the hospital, her whole body was covered in purple hives. To reverse the reaction the doctor used epinephrine. It helped the symptoms go away and make it easy for the patient to breathe because it relaxes the muscles around her lungs. For the next few days, there was still hives present on her body and she felt weak. Another incident involved the death of pub/restaurant owner who had an allergic reaction from food that he got from another Indian restaurant. He used to be a regular eater on Indian cuisine and before ordering food he’d told the employees to make the curry nut free. After his death, the restaurant owner was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment. It was confirmed later on that in order to save money because he was in debt, he opted for peanut powder instead of almond powder. Without following any regulations and thinking nothing would happen, he went on to use peanut powder that …show more content…

In the documentary, Chef Ming Tsai states, “If you don’t know what’s in your food, get out of the business – today.” It was a way to urge restaurant owners to take care of the customers who have food allergies or simply just stop operating a restaurant. He went on to state that it’s a life and death situation when one is operating in such conditions. To make his restaurant safe and welcoming, he trained his staff and allocated a separate menu that had details which applied to the people with food

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