Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Summary

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The topic of interest I chose to write my article review on was babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. Drugs are extremely impacting our society in negative ways. Women who are addicted to drugs do not make the best decisions. One of the worst decisions they make is to have unprotected sex and get pregnant while still using. When babies are born addicted because their mothers used during the pregnancy they will have what is known as neonatal abstinence syndrome. In 2012, every 25 minutes a baby was born with NAS. In total that year there was 21,732 babies born addicted. These babies didn't even have the choice, they were born addicts. This will effect them negatively for the rest of their lives, and more than likely cause them to be an addict themselves. A child's mental health is so important during their younger months, and being …show more content…

For this article I chose, “Opioids in pregnancy and neonatal abstinence syndrome”. The article was written by Megan W. Stover, MD, and Jonathan M. Davis, MD who are doctors out of Boston, MA. This article talked about the dramatic increase in drug use over the past few years. This article talks more about how drug use is a major public health problem. It explains how a baby is effected when they suffer from NAS. It also gives more information on how to seek help and how to get treatment. This article has more information in it, but its also much more broad. I wish they would have focused more on one specific part of NAS, instead of trying to fit everything into one article. It had strong stats and references. It almost had to much information as the other article had to little. I had a hard time finding a peer reviewed article that had enough information in it. This article was actually the fourth one I had picked. Im glad that I went with this one over the others because of the overall structure of the article was easy to read and

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