Final Reflection On Negotiation

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Final Reflection Paper Negotiation is a form of communication that happens almost every day. It is not only about fighting for what we want from the other side, but maximizing the interests of all parties and achieve an agreement that no alternative can. Learning from reading materials, practices and reflections, I believe that I have gained a deeper understanding of the logic and tactics in negotiations and I will be able to use them in my future life and careers. “Never negotiate unprepared” is the golden rule of negotiation. In order to negotiate effectively and efficiently, we should be not only informative but also organized and strategic. Hence, we identify and understand problems and generate options. First, we define negotiating goals and objectives, which have to be concrete, specific, attainable and measurable. We list major issues and prioritize them, identify potential …show more content…

While expecting people are more willing to give us favors, we win them as friends. As people like those who like them, it is helpful if we could offer genuine praise and uncover real similarities. We also want to show them our trust and honesty to create a better flow of information. Although we will not volunteer information that potentially harm our interests, we will be honesty to our counterpart’s questions and be willing to share more information to move the negotiation in our desirable direction. As negotiation goes through, it is important for us to be aware of the deep psychological factors that motivate or influence people’s behaviors, including winning, avoiding loss, looing tough or strong to others, being fair and so on. In order to learn those intangibles, we could either carefully observe and ask questions, or directly bring observers into the negotiation. Once we understand those factors, we could develop a strategy to change people’s thoughts and lead them behave as we

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