Stereotypes and Attitudes: White Americans' Perception of Immigration

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There is so much controversy about immigration in the United States. There are many perspectives about how Immigration is seen by White Americans. Some are more extreme than others. Even though the Unites States was founded by diversity and on the inclusion of immigrants, stereotypes presented by society drives White Americans to go to the extreme of deporting immigrants. The stereotypes that propel this idea of deportation are immigrants on welfare, crime done by immigrants, and how immigrants affect jobs. These stereotypes can be promoted from many different parts of society ranging from media outlets to the upper government of the United States.
Mainstream White Americans think that most immigrants are poor people who just …show more content…

Yet If that someone was a immigrant the white american population would be in an uproar. Not only the white americans think this but some of upper government share the same ideas. For example the senate is one the most importnt branches in the united states government. The voice of the senate is heard by millions of americans. Yet stereotypes are emmbedded in the senate as much as the average white american. Republican senetor David Vitter proves this while he is speaking in a CNN report. He said "These young illegals who would be granted amnesty would be put in direct competition with American citizens for scarce resourses." (CNN page number). This shows that important political figures are spreading ideas of sterotypes to the white american audience. The Senate represents the american voice but atthe same time it represent why would white americans would be convinced to deport immigrants. Yet in most cases immigrants are benifitial to companies which is claim that is the opposite idea of the senators quote. Different perspective brought by immigrants are valuable when it comes to companies coming up with new and innovative ideas. This idea does not call in the everyday sterotype of immigrants so the idea never gets to the white american. The senate 's voice is heard strongly heard by white americans when it comes to sterotypes about immigrants in the job market. Though the true voice of

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