Negative Essay: The Wedding Cake Is Rotten

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The Wedding Cake is Rotten

45 years after the historic Stonewall Rebellion, same-sex marriage has eclipsed all other LGBTQ campaigns as the single-issue that will bring us to “equality.” As a queer person who is not only invested in increasing my life opportunities but also that of my communities, I have come to reconsider my support for same-sex marriage. Like many of you reading this article, I really believed the hype around marriage as a mechanism for change that will parallel our experiences with our heterosexual counterparts. But after doing a lot of research and thinking, I realized that the hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent on the campaign for same-sex marriage over the past two and half decades would have been better utilized at saving some lives. Same-sex marriage will not solve AIDS, teen homelessness, economic disparities, the prison industrial complex, healthcare access, pinkwashing, violence against queer and trans* people (mostly of color), and racist immigration laws. Rather the advocacy for this institution will only stand to benefit mostly gay, mostly white, and mostly wealth folks. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that long-term monogamous relationships is a fabulous way of structuring a family but that doesn’t …show more content…

A law changed in the books or a marriage certificate will not prevent me, a partner, or a loved one from being ridiculed, bashed, or even murdered in the streets. It will not oppose the medical industrial complex that ties healthcare to relational status. It will not help queer teens whose family structures often produce the most violence and are the source of teen homelessness, depression, and suicide. It will not address the targeting of queer and trans* people by the police who are then sent to prisons at higher rates. The fight for same-sex marriage is exactly the reason why we need to fight for

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