Overcoming Fear-Driven Procrastination: A Review

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Many people live in a state of depression and in frustration because they can't get over the hump of procrastination. It's not that they want to procrastinate or that they are lazy. It's that they secretly are controlled by fear. They fear failure. They fear the weight of their responsibilities. They fear change. All of these fears are a normal part of living as a human being. But when someone's life is controlled by these fears, they will find that they suffer the negative consequences of procrastination. They will suffering things such as low self-esteem, underachievement, and time will seem like it's speeding by them. There is help for such a person as this.

There is a 6CD audio set, called Conquering Procrastination, by Neil Fiore. Conquering Procrastination comes with a PDF format workbook, so that the person wanting to overcome this condition can actually do the work that is required to overcome this all-pervasive problem. The first thing that the participant learns is that procrastination isn't some weird disease. It's a response to certain scenarios in life. Most procrastination is based in fear. Fear is natural and normal. However, when fear or procrastination controls you, it will cripple you in all the areas of your life. It becomes not only an unhealthy coping mechanism, but it also becomes a way of life. …show more content…

Responsibilities don't get met. Relationships suffer. Opportunities get lost. The person who lives like this becomes confused and they feel helpless and hopeless. When they can take advantage of a program such as Conquering Procrastination, by Neil Fiore, then they can break free from their self-imposed prison of

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