Nate's Inattention Disorder

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From a biobehvioral view, Nate would often daze off in class. Being that he was diagnosed with ADHD and ADD, he had problems with staying focused and paying attention. In this case, the teacher was understanding of his diagnosis and allowed him time to re center and get back focus being that he did not take medication. From a behavioral view, when Nate actively participates in class, he is able to obtain meaning from the lesson and he understands his expectations. He is also able to keep up on the current assignments he is to track in his agenda book. When he records he assignments down in his book, the teachers praise him and tell him to keep it up. When he obtains a sufficient amount of signatures, he is able to receive his incentive of computer time. From an integrated view, Nate’s parents were often upset with him when he came home with no homework and did not understand why he was not able to keep up in school. The teacher had to explain to them some of the effects of an inattention disorder.

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