Narrative Essay On Living With Dyslexia

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Living with Dyslexia
The page looks like alphabet soup. That is how dyslexic students like me sometimes feel while desperately trying to read or spell. Dyslexia causes a constant internal battle because of how my brain works. I have the advanced cognitive abilities of a college student clashing with the preprogrammed confusion that comes from flipping letters around in my head. I learned in elementary school that I am both dyslexic and gifted, but I had no idea then what a vast impact it would have on my life.
I have fought this constant uphill battle every day and while I have gained new weapons to fight against it, the fight will never end. I have been able to make excellent grades by many people's standards, therefore, people assume I am academically well-rounded. In reality, I worked much harder than most to obtain those grades in English and history courses. Living with dyslexia has taught me that no matter what obstacles stand in the way if you work hard enough, you can accomplish your dreams. …show more content…

I was fortunate to be diagnosed so early in my childhood. I did not show all of the typical symptoms of a dyslexic child because my grades were not suffering. I was able to comprehend spoken directions at a much higher level than my peers and had no trouble with math or science classes. My first grade teacher identified the possibility that I was dyslexic because of my inability to read or spell at a level consistent with other kids my age. I would misidentify individually written letters, such as mistaking lowercase "b" with "p", which is a telltale sign of dyslexia. Phonics was another area that highlighted my struggle with reading. When I would see the word "house" I would say "home" because while I understood the meaning and context, I did not assign the individual letters with the correct corresponding

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