Narrative Essay On Life In Jail

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Bang, Bang, Bang, the shots rung my neighborhood as self-consciously I heard the brass cartridges tinkle when it hit the concrete. A man runs screaming and dodging for his life “Don’t shoot”. I had fired warning shoots in the air as I approached a man trying to steal a family car. Unfortunately, in the United States there is two paths that adolescent can take, one is college and the other is prison. It is not a choice to go to jail but often in cases teens are making rash unthinkable decisions where it impacts their life landing them if not life in prison, time in prison. Instead of meeting with school counselors they are meeting with probation officers, instead of graduating high school, teens are being released from prison with criminal records. This concerns me because I had committed 3 felonies when I fired warning shots in …show more content…

But I was not like other teens committing these types of crimes. I proved to the jury with my phenomenal attendance and outstanding High School grades and class schedule to start my freshman year at Diablo Valley College, it showed the jury that this truly was a mistake and I was not the type to be sent to prison. They gave me a deal to where if I finished one year and a half of probation and 100 hours of community service, I was aloud to walk free back into society without a criminal record and a bright future still ahead of me. While attending DVC, I managed to complete the 100 service hours in 2 weeks, when they had gave me one year to complete. When on probation, I enjoyed showing my probation officer recent tests and grades I had received in my classes. Ms. Tanya had really noticed that I was not the type to be in the justice system and petitioned my probation be reduced down to only 6

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