Narcos Satire

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Considerably the most popular TV series offered on Netflix ‘Narcos’ has culminated enormous attention and publicity with depicting past true events in the focus of a drama/documentary. We the audience are positioned in Columbia in the time between the 1970’s and 1990’s where the business of drug trafficking most notably the distribution of cocaine is at its peak. During events, the show establishes primary focus on detailing the time of when the Medellin Cartel ran by arguably the highest profiled criminal to ever live Pablo Escobar is at odds with forces of all law and order trying to stop him. With an intent not only to entertain, the series blends in actual footage of the same events being dramatized to remind the audience of the actual …show more content…

This is very important as though the narrator comes from the position of being a cop he admits himself that he has deviated from the viewpoint of being able to understand what is morally or lawfully just. Steve Murphy comments “the good guys are going to have to get their hands a little dirty, anyone who doubts this those who naively cling to the ideals of due process or rule of law haven’t spent enough time with the bad guys”. This quote becomes a major point in ‘Narcos’ to where we hold characters to a standard no longer based on their ethos but more so upon pathos. At consistent points in the series cops and agents are stuck in a dilemma with having no leads, facing casualties, or are under pressure to complete tasks with little time to spare. Thus, extreme measures are taken where law enforcement under certain “authority” use blackmail, extortion, bribery, or torture (waterboarding) to meet their goals in bringing down the drug cartel. With using such practices to meet their goals there is a great level of hypocrisy apparent where cops “enforcers of the law” will bend the rules to achieve so-called justice. All things considered what sets the stage for ‘Narcos’ is whether the ends justify the means and does the rule of law provide for a fair and balanced depiction of what …show more content…

On many occasions, the main characters DEA Agents Steve Murphy and Javier Pena throughout their endeavor to hunt and kill Pablo Escobar come to the sobering truth no matter if they complete their mission will it change the dynamic of the drug trade. As for how can you possibly stop a product’s who supply creates its own demand. If in the possibility if we are strictly bout hunting down drug kingpins does the saying get brought up where by cutting the head off the snake all that will occur is 2 will take its place. Thus, begging the real question is if the law cannot be regulated or even followed what is the point of administering it in the first

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