Napoleon Bonaparte Superpowers

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Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the 15th of August, 1769 -and came to power as the Emperor of France on the 18th of May, 1804. On December 2, 1805, Napoleon led his men into a battle against the 3rd coalition. The 3rd coalition included such superpowers as Britain, Russia, Sweden, some German states, and Austria. Frances odds for winning the battle were beyond scary. France had only 68,000 troops, a small number compared to Russia’s 90,000. Knowing that he was outgunned and outmanned “the French emperor developed a ruse.” (Kagan). Napoleon employed strategy instead of sheer manpower to emerge victorious at the Battle of Austerlitz. The Battle was “the first engagement of the War of the Third Coalition and one of Napoleon’s greatest victories” (Britannica School). It has even been called “one of the most ‘perfect’ battles ever fought” (Marrin 156-157). In honor of this battle, which effectively destroyed the 3rd coalition, Napoleon commissioned the Arc de Triomphe. The Arch would serve “to celebrate the military achievements of the French armies.” (Britannica School). After …show more content…

He was chosen because he was held in very high regard. He was a “developer of an influential Neoclassical architectural style” (Britannica School). After he completed the design, construction started when the first stone was symbolically laid on Napoleon’s 37th birthday. While he was able to see “a full-scale depiction of the completed design, created from wood and painted canvas” (Britannica School), he was not able to see the completed Arch, as he died while construction was halted. The Arc de Triomphe was his final architectural project. When construction resumed, Chagrin’s apprentice Louis-Robert Goust took over the project. Eventually, more architects had say in the design of the Arc de Triomphe. Jean-Nicholas Huyot worked on it during the 1823 continuation and Guillaume-Abel Blouet oversaw its

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