DBQ On Napoleon Bonaparte's Rule In France

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DBQ- Napoleon Napoleon Bonaparte ruled in France from 1789 to 1815. Napoleon came to power in 1789 and immediately became a powerful figure in the French government. However, some thought Napoleon was such a great leader. The Napoleonic Empire started to grow France’s territories. Some might have believed that Napoleon was too eager with his rule, while losing and failing to succeed against the power of England, in an attempt to blockade their trade, and of Russia, where he led his army to a defeat and retreat back to France. Even in his success over Spain, the battle still costed Napoleon and his army in men and resources. Napoleon was mostly viewed as a powerful and militaristic leader in some aspects, but others saw him as a coward and terrible leader in other ways.
In Document 3, a French artist by the name of Jacques-Louis David depicts Napoleon riding into battle. This says that Napoleon was a leader even on the battlefield. The artist shows biased as coming from the place where Napoleon ruled, he would have a different perspective on Napoleon than an artist from England. In Document 1, Napoleon addresses the Army about the French government and what they do for France and that they could give nothing in return for their service. But, he does say that he will lead them into the most fertile plains in the world and that he plans for them to conquer great cities. In Document 2, Napoleon writes about the division of authority. Napoleon wrote this when he first became first consul. He said that the citizens will recognize him as a soldier of liberty who is devoted to the Republic. He is saying that he is going to improve the nation under his

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