Nap Time In High School

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Time for nap time in preschool will be highly useful for high school students. Waking up early in the morning then finishing around 3 o’clock for school is completely insane. Including a strong half an hour at the middle of a school day for a nap time would benefit the students extremely. The students’ brains will have a time to relax from all of the school work and to prepare for the rest of the day. Since high school teachers usually give out homework to complete, various students get less than eight hours of sleep because of the studying, essays, worksheets, etc. The hours of sleep missed will highly affect the student's performance the upcoming school day and the body will not be healthy and may cause future conflicts for that student. …show more content…

Many students do not get enough rest and sleep for their body. It is not healthy and shouldn't schools be improving the student's health? The crazy loads of work a student receives daily consumes time and effort. Students even pull all nighters working on their work that really hurts their health. Nap time will benefit the body internally with resting the brain and everything else. The body will function more superior and efficient with the nap time period during the school day. The extra rest for the human body, the healthier the body will become. Also, the extracurricular activities after school stretching past eight p.m., and jobs or volunteer work that students squeeze into their schedule wears down the students and damages the body. If I did a survey and asked one hundred students if nap time during school would be beneficial for their health and help them with the rest of their day, I highly doubt more than ten students would say it is not beneficial. Even for grown people, during work I bet they are eager to get a thirty minute nap, that will only be beneficial for the body. How negative can a nap be? If every class took off only a few minutes a period, to result in a time to take a nap, only positives will come up. With everything that a student does during school, hours without rest dramatically reduces the student's productivity and health. Thirty minute naps will lead to the students to return to their school work less fatigued. Nap time extension for high school students will improve the health of every

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