Amy Tan's Argumentative Essay

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3. Tan includes a direct quote from her mother in paragraph six of the reading, and she does not shorten it for an important reason. Tan decides to keep the entire quote instead of paraphrasing to add an effect that a reader can only understand with the full quote. It shows that even though some people speak the language of English it is hard for others to understand based on the person’s full understanding and comprehension of the language. In Tan’s case she is used to the way her mother speaks and uses the language, but to others it is almost impossible to understand. If it were not for Tan summarizing what the quote meant before putting it in the text, few readers would have understood what the mother was trying to convey with her use of the language. Tan’s strategy in including this direct quotation is to show that language differs from person to person even if they all speak the same language. She is implying that the whole world could speak English; however, it would not be the same type of English because of how everyone learns and how others around …show more content…

Tan divides the essay into three sections as a way to organize her own thoughts. The first section shows the way Tan speaks and makes a small break into how her mother speaks as well. In the second section, Tan furthers her thoughts on “broken” or “limited” English, and how it can be quite confusing to new learners because of what is expected of them to learn. Tan also references to specific times that her mother was treated differently due to lacking “proper” English. In the third break, Tan includes information of what is expected of Asian Americans to be in life, and how they cannot be writers just because that is not expected of them. She includes that she notices on surveys that many Asian Americans go into the math or science field as expected of them. If it were not for these breaks the essay would still make sense and be clear, but it would not seem to be as organized as it is with the three

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