NJHS Application Essay: How Do I Make A Difference?

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NJHS Application Essay A difference is a change caused by someone or something, whether big or small. You don’t have do something extraordinary in order to make a difference. Something as simple as picking up a pencil for a fellow peer at school or praising an acquaintance’s outfit is counted as a difference. You could’ve enchanted someone’s mood and impacted them positively, just by doing something so small. So, that leads me into my question. How do I make a difference at my school? As I stated above, a difference can be any impact created by someone. Honestly, I wouldn’t say that I’m someone special compared to the other 800 students in our school. However, I believe that I do make a difference at my school. For example, I am an influence to my classmates. I cannot say that I’m the most outstanding student in my classes, but I do believe that I try my best. Instead of slacking off, I try to finish my work without procrastination in class. Therefore, I’m convinced that my behavior has or will influence my peers and cause a difference in my class. …show more content…

I believe that I make a difference by being positive. Being optimistic is always important to me. I’m convinced that having a good attitude in school is extremely valuable. By being optimistic, I try to spread positivity to my fellow peers. Everyone has disagreeable days, but if you have a good attitude, you’ll soon learn to get over it. Instead of discouraging others, I attempt my best to tell them that they’re doing well and they shouldn’t give up. This may not sound like much, but all the people who’ve received my encouragements seemed to appreciate

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