NIBR Essay

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A Description of NIBR Law enforcement agencies have collected and analyzed data in effort to combat crime since the mid-1990s. It began with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) creating the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) program in 1930 to determine crime statistics for national comparisons. Today, the FBI compiles the UCR data from county, state, and federal agencies then releases that data in an annual summary report. The UCR served as the most important source of information on crime for law enforcement and legislators until a 1980s-report revealed the need for a more comprehensive and detailed crime reporting program. To serve this growing need, the FBI created the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS). The NIBRS has many characteristics. Worth noting is its data, which reflects only crimes known and voluntarily reported by police; Law enforcement agencies are under no obligation to report NIBRS data to the FBI. Equally, the NIBR system uses revised and new offense definitions not included in the UCR; For example, the NIBRS redefined the …show more content…

For example, it plays a role in the legislative branch of government; Legislators use NIBR data during the policy-making process as it provides background information for the policy they want to develop. Moreover, it also plays a role in law enforcement; Policing agencies use NIBR data to both reveal criminal trends and to guide solution building efforts to approach those problems. Nevertheless, the numerous effects come with certain advantages and drawbacks. The two main advantages are that it offers detailed information on 23 categories of offenses, and that it collects 53 data elements that most of which arn’t included in the traditional UCR data. Conversely, the two main disadvantages is that it requires increased data entry requirements and data processing abilities on the part of local law enforcement, and that it lacks resource

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