My Writing Experience Essay

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Good morning class!
Good morning teacher!
How are you?
Sitting in the colorful class and listening to my secondary school teacher, read the “English for Beginning” book with a loudly voice. It was first memory of learning to read. My teacher spent a couple times to read word by word slowly and showed us what he was reading and, of course, he would show off the pictures. Therefore, we sit together, and he told me how to read and write the alphabet and numbers. Those were the first memory I had of learning to read and write.
My experience in secondary school were my most vivid of memories when it came to reading and writing. When I was five, the teacher taught me ABCs himself. However, I learned my letters via an automatically way. I learned the letter “N- A” first and then I learned the letter “A-Z”. At that point, I put them all together. I had an english teacher who had an amazing creation and made …show more content…

I always through writing was a waste of and time and that I wasn’t going to need it in life. After a few month, I invested much time for doing the test. Although the test was challenging, covering reading, writing and some other subjects. I was sure that I could pass every parts. To my surprise, I did pass every parts --expected writing “oh my God” How did I image to fail english writing and how could I get a high grade in? Said to my teacher. I was total shocked and upset. Seeing my test grade brought tears to my eyes. Moreover, the problem was worse, most of my friends some of whom were barely passing class, passed that writing ones.
At that time, I practiced that I must love writing just as much as I loved reading due to “the more you read, the more you write.” my teacher purchased picture books for me and checked them out of the library as well. Focusing on every word, I carefully read and write down on a book which was my practice

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