My Views on God and the Nature of the Universe

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A worldview is an opinion on how you see society as a whole. Each person’s worldview is impacted by their culture, religion, family friends, etc. I am a Pentecostal Christian and a Romanian and these two aspects impact my worldview immeasurably. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and He died on the cross for each person on this Earth. Even though each person has sinned and turned their backs on God countless times, Christ was always there for us no matter what we did. His love is greater than any love we have ever encountered and His grace is immensely great. How do we know who God is and the nature of the universe, what is our purpose and what happens when we die, and how do we know right from wrong are some of the main question people ask themselves.
God is unknown and more complicated than our brains could ever comprehend. There only description we understand about God is his characteristics. God is loving, wise, graceful, merciful, my savior, a judge, perfect, never changing, a King who watches over His kingdom, and He is also just. One popular question people ask is, “If there really is a God, then why does He let bad things happen?” When God created humans, we were perfect, but we also had free will. To retain free will God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9 NIV). Eating its fruit would allow sin to enter the Earth and since Adam and Eve both ate the fruit, the nature of the universe turned from good and perfect to sin and evil (Genesis 3 NIV). Sin was brought into this world and it has made us into selfish people, horrible people, murders, etc. God can not step in and control our actions for the same reason He put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden: freewill. Ev...

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...believe someone can come and change my worldview in an ambitious way. The only way to ever change my worldview is to prove that the Bible was, and I know for a fact from all of my experiences that there is a God and that God is my God.

Works Cited

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis - New International Version. (n.d.). Bible Gateway. Retrieved Aprl 20, ili2014, from %201&version=NIV
Hovind, C. (2014, March 21). The Bible is the Most Historically Accurate Document of All Time. The Blaze. Retrieved April 20, 2014, from
Kelsey, D. H. (2012). God and Teleology: Must God have only one 'Eternal Purpose'?. Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie, 54(4), 361-376. doi:10.1515/nzsth-2012-0015

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