My Social, Cultural, Culture, And The African American Culture

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prejudice or discrimination, she shared a story of when she was in high school having a best friend tell her she could not invite her to her wedding because she was black and her parents did not like black people. I saw how this story still brought intense emotions (S.E. personal communication, 9-6-16). Even though she experienced this, today she remembers how she felt at that moment and encourages all ethnicities and background to respect, accept, and learn from each other. Now I see how I have grown to accept and appreciate diversity, it was how I was raised despite how my mother was raise and experience intense discrimination and hatred. Religion, discrimination, and family are culturally-relevant areas in my upbringing. After interviewing some of my family members, I have gotten a better understanding of my personal history and the African American culture. Research, interviews, and personal experiences have assisted in gaining a better understanding of my cultural beliefs and values. I am more aware of my social, cultural, and family background.
African American Culture My sister described our family and cultural background as …show more content…

As cited in Brown et. Al (2013), African American value extended family connections. It also states that the well-being of the family is emphasized in African American. My family is a prime example of how this statement is true. For instance, most of the answers provided by my family member via interview emphasis our family as a whole. My mother expressed how she values how our family “takes care of each other no matter what, we protect each other” (S.E. personal communication, 9-6-16). My aunt states “I feel fortunate to have a group of people backing me at all times” when describing how she felt towards her family and cultural identity (T.W., personal communication, 9-6-16). One can say, when one family member is struggling, we all are

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