My Siblings Case Study

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In a regular basis, I have been with my three siblings which make us a group. When we’re a group, we go to the mall, theatre, or at the park. In addition, they have control my behavior through the use of socialization, conformity, compliance, obedience, formal, and informal social control. My siblings control my behavior through the use of socialization, which is learning the customs, attitudes, and values of a social group by giving me rules and procedures I have to follow. The reason for learning these customs is to not try to embarrass myself or my family members and to remain calm at all times. For example, whenever we go to an amusement park or mall, my siblings and I would go through how we are supposed to perform when going outside. We go by the rules and the limits of what we can do, in order to keep ourselves calm and control. In addition, my siblings have also control my behavior by having informal social control, which is the They use this by informing me how I should behave in a specific location. For example, whenever we go a place that has a large amount of people, my siblings would inform me that I should not move away from them, or gather unwanted attention such as screaming or starting with other individuals. Moreover, my siblings control my behavior through obedience; which is obeying someone in authority. My oldest sibling has the ability to use this obedience because he has the most authority. As a result, the rest of my siblings and I must be subsequent to his instructions. For example, when my group had to clean the house, my oldest sibling commanded for each of us to clean a specific area in the house, so it would make the chore less frustrating. To summarize, my siblings control my behavior through the use of compliance and obedience to behave and perform

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