My Sense Of Place

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MCOM 3360 Jordan_Journal7 Sense of Place For me, sense of place and people without people were the most challenging assignments this semester, but it also allowed me to me creative. Aside from the photo story, this assignment allowed me to be original and open-minded. Remaining within the guidelines, I had the freedom to create completely my own vision. Although I listened and observed during the sense of place lecture, I was still unsure what to do. Afterwards, I reviewed the slides but I still did not have an idea. Simultaneously working on the photo story and work for other classes, I did not think about the sense of place or people without people assignment until the first critique. After seeing the first sense of place photos in class, I decided to do my sense of place photos on campus because UT Tyler has several monuments throughout campus. Other than capturing the bell tower — it had already done, I wanted to capture less prominent monuments. My vision was capture the sense of the campus for someone who has never attended UT Tyler. For the first image I captured photos of the tortoise monument by Harvey lake. I pass it everyday going to the library and never understood the reason why someone would design a tortoise statue. I though it would be a unique photo and include a secondary story. Next, I captured photos …show more content…

I wondered, how can I capture the essence of people without showing people? I thought it would be impossible to do. From my understanding, the only way to capture evidence of people is to include people. As I thought about it more, I realized there are several ways to capture people without people. My initial idea was to capture an empty classroom. Usually after a class, chairs are moved and writing is on the chalk board. I realize now these signs show the evidence of people previously in the room, but then I was unsure whether this photo depicted people without

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