Importance Of Literary Analysis In The Tragedy Of Hamlet

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Thank you for taking time to read and review my portfolio for my Duel Enrollment English 112 course taught by Mrs. Lynn Miller. Included in this portfolio are drafts of all my papers I wrote in English 112 and a draft for a psychology sociocultural paper I wrote for my General Psychology course taught by Mr. Montez at Brooke Point High School, as well as Smart Thinking Reports for both my Literary Analysis and my Summary and Response paper. Smart Thinking Reports, for those who do not know, are reports returned back to me, the writer, with tips on how to improve whichever paper I had submitted. I have also included all my final copies of papers written this past semester and a copy of my IB History II HL multi-genre project, not including the …show more content…

There is evidence of risk taking in my papers, both in my IB History multi-genre and in my Literary Analysis paper. In my Literary Analysis paper I discussed the use of soliloquy as a medium for advancing the plot in the play The Tragedy of Hamlet. This was risky because there are many ways one can interpret Shakespeare’s use and purpose of soliloquy, since it is used in a great number of his works. I feel that there is a sense of risk in my IB History multi-genre as well, because it shows an interpretation of feelings and affairs toward different cultural and religious groups during the Arab-Israeli Crisis in the 1960s through the 1990s. This was especially difficult, as I attempted to place myself in another’s shoes and write about a very tense and frightening time. I feel that both of my multi-genre projects allowed for my creativity to really shine through my work. It gave me the ability to spice up a normally mundane written assignment. Both projects are much more interesting to read than my other papers, due to the fact that they are not page after page of facts and quotes from novels and plays. Although the English multi-genre does argue a stand on the importance of …show more content…

I used mostly databases, which I accessed through either my Brooke Point library login, or my Germanna Community College login. I found the Germanna Community College very thorough, and used its wide variety of media to my advantage. My only complaint is the lack of information about Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and the importance of caring for feral cats. It is a widely growing issue and highly debated not only across the United States, but across the world. I also used books, websites, and podcasts as resources in my work, depending on the assignment and its restrictions. When assigned a requirement of 15-20 pages per semester, it can be hard to write while keeping your work captivating and interesting for the reader throughout. I feel that the majority of my writing was interesting through out the 15-20 pages, although some assignments were easier to write than others. It was especially easier to write about the topics I was interested in, and I believe that my feelings and interest is evident in the work I was passionate about, which is extremely clear in my argumentative paper about Trap-Neuter-Return. I have important personal ties to this method. I adopted two cats within the past school year that were part of the TNR movement. As part of this ideal, kittens who could possibly become housecats, are trapped, spayed or neutered, and instead of being returned, they are placed with a foster family until they

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