My Personal Experience Learning to Golf

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Many people take up Golf thinking that it is easy, after all, how hard can it be to hit a little white ball with a stick? This thinking evaporates the first time they step onto a driving range and attempt to hit that little white ball. Golf is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. My experience with golf began in May of 2005 when friends came to stay with us; my wife informed me that I would have to take Roy, her friend’s husband Golfing. I had not been to a driving range (since I was in my teens) and I had never played golf on a course before. It was quite an experience; the weather was cold, rainy and nasty the three times we played while they where here, the game hooked me badly, even with the bad shots and the nasty weather. This essay is about the cause and effect aspect of hitting the golf ball with proper and improper technique.

Everything about golf is counter intuitive, for instance, to make the ball go up you need to hit down on it and compress the ball into the grass so the groves on the club face can impart the proper spin to the ball which makes it rise into the air. This is why you see the tour pros take large divots from the turf, on almost every swing.

Most beginners want to help the ball into the air by swinging up on it, which leads to mostly thin shots, (thin being: not taking any turf at all and striking the ball at or above its equator) or fat shots (the club bottoming out into the turf before the ball is struck). When the ball is struck thin, (commonly known as a worm burner) it leaves the clubface very close to the ground and may have decent distance through roll but most times, it goes 50 to 60 yards hits the ground. The fat shot typically leaves the clubface with a high trajectory but lacks t...

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...tle thought and wonder why the ball is not going where they think they aimed. The proper way to align yourself is to step 10 to 15 teen feet behind the ball and view your target. Pick a spot 1 to 2 feet in front of the golf ball that is in line with the target and the golf ball. Once you have this point in front of the ball, draw an imaginary line from it trough the golf ball, when taking your stance; line everything up parallel to the imaginary line, feet, knees, hips and shoulders. Please remember that the golf stance is parallel left of target for the right-handed golfer. If you line yourself up with everything at the target, you will hit the ball to the right of the target. If you speak with any pro golfer and ask him how he fixed a particular problem that was affecting his swing, he would tell he went back to the fundamentals, proper grip, stance and alignment.

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