My Personal Essay: My Definition Of Family

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The definition of what is considered a family is not the same from person to person, so there is not a really clear definition of family. Many people believe that to be considered a normal family, you must have a mom and dad and then the kids and sometimes pets. Others believe that a normal family includes anybody that you love and care for. The definition of family is question that can often come up. How does someone define family? Is it through genetics and the sharing of memories and experiences? Living in the same residence? Or is it the people that you know you can always count on to provide constant support? The people you know you can get into an all out brawl with but they will most certainly still love you? My personal definition of family is considered someone you can come home to, someone that you are able to tell all your problems to without them judging you. Family is someone who takes care of your in times of despair. Family is anyone who keeps you entertained and constantly laughing. Family does not always consist of just relatives. You can consider anyone family. anybody that you are comfortable and feel safe around can be considered family. It doesn’t matter who they are, what they look like, or what their skin color is.There are many people who have best friends that they …show more content…

Happiness and sadness, tragedy and luck, victory and loss, regret and delight, and also success together. A family can be very difficult to define. One of the most commonly thought of definitions of family is a man, a woman, and their children. But as the time has gone by the traditional family structure has dissolved and there is not an exact answer to the definition of family. cousins, aunts, uncles, Grandparents, adopted parents, and even very close friends make up a family. Family is one of, if not the most important thing for individuals to live joyful lifestyles and to become completely

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